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Monday 17 June 2013

My first EVER blog post!

As I've mentioned above, this is my first EVER blog post. I've never even attempted one until today, although I've always had a blogger profile... It does feel very odd, it's like writing a letter to yourself in a way, except the entire world can see it!

 I decided to start blogging because I was inspired by my bestest friend in the whole wide world who's blog is here: (I recommend you look at hers, I'm definitely not biased or anything)

I don't really know what kind of blog this going to be just yet, I plan to use it to document my life I guess but whether it will become a beauty, fashion, or travel blog, I do not know I'm afraid..

I am currently at the "exisstential crisis" (nice danisnotonfire quote for you there) part of my life where I'm trying to decide what I want to do with it. (I suppose my blog is at the same part of it's life too.) I'm on a gap year after having finished my A-levels and attending university for an entire two weeks before deciding that the course wasn't for me. So now I'm living the life of a bum. I work a couple of days a week and do whatever I feel like for the rest of it which is what I intend on blogging about. I am going back to university in september, the same one, but a different (hopefully better) course. Hopefully my blog will become pretty interesting. I hope it reaches people in a similar situation or are a similar age, or maybe anyone with the same interests as me. (shopping, makeup, shoes, clothes.. and becoming a real life adult and preparing to live on my own)

I know this isn't really much right now but I hope I've interested you enough to want to follow my little life! :) I promise my posts will be better in the future, once I get the hang of blogging and figure out what to write :)
