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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

An electric toothbrush for my face?! - Clarisonic mia 2 review

I've been debating whether or not to buy a clarisonic for a long time, (mostly due to the hefty price tag.) and finally found myself in a position to buy one. It's often described as an electric toothbrush for you face and that does make it sound a little scary if you ask me...

Anyway, it arrived today and I couldn't wait to give it a go! Now, using a vibrating brush on your face is kind of weird I have to admit but it does make your face feel squeaky clean and soft! It also claims to do many other things like help to clear your skin, help with fine lines and wrinkles and dry patches etc but obviously after one go I can't tell you if it really does that. (maybe I'll do a review after a couple of months or so?)

At the minute I can't really tell you if it is worth the price tag but at the same time I wouldn't say it wasn't. I am however pinning an awful lot of hope on the dainty little device!

I'll let you know how it goes!



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