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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

My university haud

 No you haven't read that wrong, and I didn't mean "haul." I've been hauding things to take to university with me. As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm going to university in September. I also mentioned that I had been once before and left after two weeks. That experience has taught me a few things about what to take to university.

The main thing I learnt is that you need to do everything you can to make your room feel like yours. When you arrive your room will be VERY bare and won't feel very welcoming at all, but there are a few things you can do to make it feel like your own. That's what my university haud is, things I've bought or found throughout the last year or so that I am going to take to university with me to make my room feel more like mine. There are also a few items listed that are simply there because they are useful and I recommend taking them. Trust me, I've been there and have the t-shirt, learn from my mistakes!

The first few things I've managed to haud are decorative items. Some are a little big so until September I've put them to use in my room at home.

Bunting is a really cute thing to decorate your room with. I bought this in a local shop for about £3 :) You can get some really nice bunting on ebay too!
These are battery operated fairy lights that I bought from poundland. They can be put anywhere because they don't have to be plugged in and they are really good for making your room feel more homely.

This is a pin board that I have up in my room where I pin up different things that I like to keep as memories. Hauding stuff like this is a good idea as you can put them up in your uni room so it feels that little bit more like yours. :) 

This is a post card that I received from my bestir whilst she was in America.

This was part of my 16th birthday present that I received from the same friend. 

This is a picture that one of the children on my work experience placement drew for me.

I also like to stick up little quotes that I like, and yes that is a ladybird drawing pin.
I bought these plant pots in Ikea to take with me. I know it sounds strange but trust me, there is nowhere near as much storage space as you need in university halls so I've got two of these to keep bits like my jewellery in :)

I've also started keeping a few perfume bottles that I think are pretty, these make really cute decorations and don't cost you anything extra! 

Little pieces like this are great! They're really cheap but they're good for adding something extra to your room so that it looks that bit more homely. I bought this from matalan for about £4.

If you're going to haud anything, haud cushions!! Remember your bed is also going to act as your coach now to at least make it comfy for yourself!! 
There are also some things that you will need or that will at least come in useful that I recommend you collect over the next few months or so. 

Collect as much stationary as you can whilst you can!! I know I have an awful lot here but personally, I don't want to run out of pens or paper when I need it most. Plus, who doesn't love buying stationary?! I don't know what it is about it but it's just so much fun to buy!

Cook books are a good thing to take if you're going to be cooking for yourself. I know it may seem trivial or you might think you're perfectly capable of cooking but sometimes you can run out of ideas. No one wants to be eating the same meal every day. Also, they can help you budget and most student cook books explain how to make easy meals for one. Trust me, trying to cook for one person is actually harder than you think. Accept all the help you can get!

A diary is definitely something I recommend buying. I never thought I'd need one once I left school but you'll soon realise you still need one! I highly recommend the paperchase ones, they have things like exam timetables and lesson timetables in and pockets for stuff too! Besides, who doesn't love extra pockets? 

Collect as much fancy dress stuff as you possibly can. You'll need it. It's pretty much guaranteed that at least one of your fresher's nights will be themed and there will also be plenty of other opportunities to dress up throughout the year too and no one wants to be "that guy" that has to turn up in normal clothes because they don't have anything. Also, when it comes to freshers, the more extreme your fancy dress outfit is, the better. Just wearing a mask isn't acceptable anymore.

Taking things like drawing pins might seem weird but I can guarantee there will be a pin board in your room. (they're really meant for sticking "important" stuff on believe it or not) Drawing pins are something EVERYONE forgets. Because I like to be a little bit fancy I bought these animal ones from paperchase but obviously you could just opt for the bog standard ones.... Just remember them! otherwise how will you stick up all of the cool stuff you've been hauding?

I hope this has helped :) Obviously there is more stuff than this that you should take but these are just some things I thought up and have had the experience of not having. :( 



  1. Love that the slide of youth is on there! Love this post xxx

  2. I love the owl diary, it's so cute! I also have them little butterfly drawing pins :)! What are you thinking of studying?

    1. aww thanks lauren! they're cute aren't they?! I'm going to do primary education :)

